#the template starts line 133,

#all lines before that are few-shot filling examples.

# EXAMPLE 1 - Task Description: Turn off the light, turn on the faucet and leave the house. 


#Decompose and parallelize subtasks where ever possible

#Independent subtasks:

#SubTask 1: Turn off the Light. (Skills Required: GoToObject, SwitchOff)

#SubTask 2: Turn on the Faucet. (Skills Required: GoToObject, SwitchOn)

#SubTask 3: Leave the House. (Skills Required: GoToObject, OpenObject,CloseObject)

#We can parallelize SubTask 1 and SubTask 2 because they don't depend on each other. SubTask 3 is dependent on SubTask 1 and 2 being completed.

#action description from domain for tasks required

#Subtask 1: Turn off the Light

# Initial Precondition analyze due to previous subtask:

#1. Robot not at light switch location

GoToObject: Robot goes to the light switch.

Parameters: ?robot, ?lightSwitch

Preconditions: (not (inaction ?robot))

Effects: (at ?robot ?lightSwitch), (not (inaction ?robot))

SwitchOff: Robot turns off the light.

Parameters: ?robot, ?lightSwitch

Preconditions: (at ?robot ?lightSwitch), (not (inaction ?robot))

Effects: (switch-off ?robot ?lightSwitch), (not (inaction ?robot))

#Subtask 2: Turn on the Faucet

# Initial Precondition analyze due to previous subtask:

#1. Robot not at Faucet location

GoToObject: Robot goes to the faucet.

Parameters: ?robot, ?faucet

Preconditions: (not (inaction ?robot))

Effects: (at ?robot ?faucet), (not (inaction ?robot))

SwitchOn: Robot turns on the faucet.

Parameters: ?robot, ?faucet

Preconditions: (at ?robot ?faucet), (not (inaction ?robot))

Effects: (switch-on ?robot ?faucet), (not (inaction ?robot))

#Subtask 3: Leave the House

# Initial Precondition analyze due to previous subtask:

#1. Robot not at the door

GoToObject: Robot goes to the door.

Parameters: ?robot, ?door

Preconditions: (not (inaction ?robot))

Effects: (at ?robot ?door), (not (inaction ?robot))

OpenObject: Robot opens the door.

Parameters: ?robot, ?door

Preconditions: (not (inaction ?robot)), (at ?robot ?door)

Effects: (object-open ?robot ?door), (not (inaction ?robot))

CloseObject: Robot closes the door.

Parameters: ?robot, ?door

Preconditions: (not (inaction ?robot)), (at ?robot ?door)

Effects: (object-close ?robot ?door), (not (inaction ?robot))


# Scenario: There are 2 robots available. The task should be performed using the minimum number of robots necessary. Robots should be assigned to subtasks that match its skills and mass capacity. 

# Task Allocation Rules: Each subtask should be assigned to a robot or a team of robots that collectively possess all the skills required for the subtask and can handle the mass of the objects involved in the task. If a subtask cannot be performed by a single robot due to its skill set or mass capacity, form a team of robots to perform the subtask. The combined skills and mass capacity of the team should meet all the skill and mass preconditions of the subtask,If a subtask can be performed in parallel with other subtasks (i.e., it does not depend on the completion of other tasks), assign it to a robot or team that can start immediately and can handle the mass of the objects involved. If a subtask must be performed sequentially after other subtasks (i.e., it depends on the completion of other subtasks), assign it to a robot or team that can start as soon as the preceding subtasks are complete and can handle the mass of the objects involved. Based on the 'GENERAL TASK DECOMPOSITION' given above, identify the subtasks for each main task, the skills required for each subtask, and the mass of the objects and mass capacity of robots involved in each subtask. Determine whether the subtasks must be performed sequentially or in parallel, or a combination of both, and whether the mass of the objects involved in the subtasks is within the mass capacity of the robots or teams.

robots = [{'name': 'robot1', 'no_skills': 9, 'skills': ['GoToObject', 'OpenObject', 'CloseObject', 'BreakObject', 'SliceObject', 'DropHandObject', 'ThrowObject', 'PushObject', 'PullObject'],'mass': 2}, {'name': 'robot2', 'no_skills': 13, 'skills': ['GoToObject', 'OpenObject', 'CloseObject', 'BreakObject', 'SliceObject', 'PickupObject', 'PutObject', 'SwitchOn', 'SwitchOff', 'DropHandObject', 'ThrowObject', 'PushObject', 'PullObject'],'mass': 2}]

objects = [{'name': 'SaltShaker', 'mass': 1.0}, {'name': 'SoapBottle', 'mass': 5.0}, {'name': 'Bowl', 'mass': 3.0}, {'name': 'CounterTop', 'mass': 2}, {'name': 'Drawer', 'mass': 5}, {'name': 'Vase', 'mass': 1}, {'name': 'Lettuce', 'mass': 5}, {'name': 'Plate', 'mass': 5}, {'name': 'Potato', 'mass': 2}, {'name': 'Pan', 'mass': 5}, {'name': 'Window', 'mass': 4}, {'name': 'Fridge', 'mass': 4}, {'name': 'Sink', 'mass': 5}, {'name': 'Stool', 'mass': 6}, {'name': 'DiningTable', 'mass': 6}, {'name': 'HousePlant', 'mass': 2}, {'name': 'Chair', 'mass': 6}, {'name': 'Cup', 'mass': 3}, {'name': 'Shelf', 'mass': 6}, {'name': 'StoveKnob', 'mass': 3}, {'name': 'ButterKnife', 'mass': 6}, {'name': 'Bread', 'mass': 2}, {'name': 'DishSponge', 'mass': 4}, {'name': 'Floor', 'mass': 4}, {'name': 'PepperShaker', 'mass': 2}, {'name': 'Spatula', 'mass': 2}, {'name': 'StoveBurner', 'mass': 4}, {'name': 'Statue', 'mass': 1}, {'name': 'Kettle', 'mass': 2}, {'name': 'Apple', 'mass': 4}, {'name': 'WineBottle', 'mass': 5}, {'name': 'Knife', 'mass': 6}, {'name': 'GarbageCan', 'mass': 5}, {'name': 'Microwave', 'mass': 5}, {'name': 'LightSwitch', 'mass': 6}, {'name': 'Pot', 'mass': 2}, {'name': 'Egg', 'mass': 3}, {'name': 'Mug', 'mass': 2}, {'name': 'CoffeeMachine', 'mass': 6}, {'name': 'Faucet', 'mass': 6}, {'name': 'Tomato', 'mass': 4}, {'name': 'Spoon', 'mass': 2}, {'name': 'Fork', 'mass': 4.8}, {'name': 'Toaster', 'mass': 1}, {'name': 'Book', 'mass': 6}, {'name': 'SinkBasin', 'mass': 6}, {'name': 'Cabinet', 'mass': 1}, {'name': 'ShelvingUnit', 'mass': 3}]

# IMPORTANT: The AI should ensure that the robots assigned to the tasks have all the necessary skills to perform the tasks. IMPORTANT: Determine whether the subtasks must be performed sequentially or in parallel, or a combination of both and allocate robots based on availablitiy. "


# Robot 1 has 9 skills, while Robot 2 has 13 skills. Robots do not have same number of skills. 

# All the robots DONOT share the same set and number of skills (no_skills) and objects have different mass. In this case where all robots have different sets of skills and objects have different mass - Focus on Task Allocation based on Robot Skills alone. 

# Analyze the skills required for each subtask and the skills each robot possesses. In this scenario, we have one subtask: 'Turn off the light'.

# For the 'Turn off the light' subtask, it can be performed by any robot with 'GoToObject' and 'SwitchOff' skills. In this case, Robots 2 has all these skills.

# For the 'Turn on the faucet' subtask, it can be performed by any robot with 'GoToObject' and 'SwitchOff' skills. In this case, Robots 2 has all these skills.

# For the 'Leave the house' subtask, it can performed only after subtask 1 and subtask 2 is done. In this case, Robots 2 after finishing 'turn off the light' and 'turn off the facut task'

# No teams are required since SubTasks can be performed with individual robots as explained above. The 'Turn off the light' and 'Turn on the faucet' subtasks, and 'leave the house' subtask are sequantially assigned to Robot 2. 

# Robot 2 cannot do both the SubTasks in parallel. Serialize the SubTasks and perform them one after the other using Robot 2. 

# EXAMPLE 2 - Task Description: Slice the Potato 


#Decompose and parallelize subtasks where ever possible

#SubTask: Slice the Potato (Skills Required: GoToObject, PickupObject, GoToObject, SliceObject)

#We can sequential run subtask #1 because Subtask 1 is the only task.

#action description from domain for tasks required

#Subtask 1: Slice the Potato

# Initial Precondition analyze due to previous subtask:

#1. Robot not at the potato

#3. Robot not holding knife

GoToObject (Robot, Knife)

Parameters: ?robot , ?Knife  ,

Preconditions: (not (inaction Robot))

Effects: (at Robot CuttingBoard), (not (inaction Robot))

PickupObject (Robot, Knife, KnifeLocation)

Parameters: ?robot , ?Knife , ?KnifeLocation 

Preconditions: (at-location Knife KnifeLocation), (at Robot KnifeLocation), (not (inaction Robot))

Effects: (holding Robot Knife), (not (inaction Robot))

GoToObject: Robot goes to the potato.

Parameters: ?robot, ?potato

Preconditions: (not (inaction ?robot))

Effects: (at ?robot ?potato), (not (inaction ?robot))

SliceObject: Robot slices the potato.

Parameters: ?robot, ?potato

Preconditions: (holding Robot Knife), (not (inaction ?robot))

Effects: (sliced ?potato), (not (inaction ?robot))

#Task Slice the Potato is done.


# Scenario: There are 3 robots available. The task should be performed using the minimum number of robots necessary. Robots should be assigned to subtasks that match its skills and mass capacity. 

# Task Allocation Rules: Each subtask should be assigned to a robot or a team of robotsthat collectively possess all the skills required for the subtask and can handle the mass of the objects involved in the task. If a subtask cannot be performed by a single robot due to its skill set or mass capacity, form a team of robots to perform the subtask. The combined skills and mass capacity of the team should meet all the skill and mass requirements of the subtask. If a subtask can be performed in parallel with other subtasks (i.e., it does not depend on the completion of other tasks), assign it to a robot or team  that can start immediately and can handle the mass of the objects involved. If a subtask must be performed sequentially after other subtasks (i.e., it depends on the completion of other subtasks), assign it to a robot or team that can start as soon as the preceding subtasks are complete and can handle the mass of the objects involved. Based on the 'GENERAL TASK DECOMPOSITION' given above, identify the subtasks for each main task, the skills required for each subtask, and the mass of the objects and mass capacity of robots involved in each subtask. Determine whether the subtasks must be performed sequentially or in parallel, or a combination of both, and whether the mass of the objects involved in the subtasks is within the mass capacity of the robots or teams.

robots = [{'name': 'robot1', 'no_skills': 5, 'skills': ['GoToObject', 'OpenObject', 'CloseObject', 'BreakObject', 'SliceObject'],'mass': 2}, {'name': 'robot2', 'no_skills': 10, 'skills': ['GoToObject', 'OpenObject', 'CloseObject', 'BreakObject', 'SwitchOn', 'SwitchOff', 'DropHandObject', 'ThrowObject', 'PushObject', 'PullObject'],'mass': 2}, {'name': 'robot3', 'no_skills': 7, 'skills': ['GoToObject', 'OpenObject', 'CloseObject', 'BreakObject', 'PickupObject', 'PutObject', 'DropHandObject'],'mass': 2}]

objects = [{'name': 'SaltShaker', 'mass':1.0}, {'name': 'SoapBottle', 'mass': 5.0}, {'name': 'Bowl', 'mass': 3.0}, {'name': 'CounterTop', 'mass': 2}, {'name': 'Drawer', 'mass': 5}, {'name': 'Vase', 'mass': 1}, {'name': 'Lettuce', 'mass': 5}, {'name': 'Plate', 'mass': 5}, {'name': 'Potato', 'mass': 2}, {'name': 'Pan', 'mass': 5}, {'name': 'Window', 'mass': 4}, {'name': 'Fridge', 'mass': 4}, {'name': 'Sink', 'mass': 5}, {'name': 'Stool', 'mass': 6}, {'name': 'DiningTable', 'mass': 6}, {'name': 'HousePlant', 'mass': 2}, {'name': 'Chair', 'mass': 6}, {'name': 'Cup', 'mass': 3}, {'name': 'Shelf', 'mass': 6}, {'name': 'StoveKnob', 'mass': 3}, {'name': 'ButterKnife', 'mass': 6}, {'name': 'Bread', 'mass': 2}, {'name': 'DishSponge', 'mass': 4}, {'name': 'Floor', 'mass': 4}, {'name': 'PepperShaker', 'mass': 2}, {'name': 'Spatula', 'mass': 2}, {'name': 'StoveBurner', 'mass': 4}, {'name': 'Statue', 'mass': 1}, {'name': 'Kettle', 'mass': 2}, {'name': 'Apple', 'mass': 4}, {'name': 'WineBottle', 'mass': 5}, {'name': 'Knife', 'mass': 6}, {'name': 'GarbageCan', 'mass': 5}, {'name': 'Microwave', 'mass': 5}, {'name': 'LightSwitch', 'mass': 6}, {'name': 'Pot', 'mass': 2}, {'name': 'Egg', 'mass': 3}, {'name': 'Mug', 'mass': 2}, {'name': 'CoffeeMachine', 'mass': 6}, {'name': 'Faucet', 'mass': 6}, {'name': 'Tomato', 'mass': 4}, {'name': 'Spoon', 'mass': 2}, {'name': 'Fork', 'mass': 4.8}, {'name': 'Toaster', 'mass': 1}, {'name': 'Book', 'mass': 6}, {'name': 'SinkBasin', 'mass': 6}, {'name': 'Cabinet', 'mass': 1}, {'name': 'ShelvingUnit', 'mass': 3}]

# IMPORTANT: The AI should ensure that the robots assigned to the tasks have all the necessary skills to perform the tasks. IMPORTANT: Determine whether the subtasks must be performed sequentially or in parallel, or a combination of both and allocate robots based on availablitiy. "


# Robot 1 has 5 skills, while Robot 2 has 10 and robot 3 has 7 skills. Robots do not have same number of skills.

# All the robots DONOT share the same set and number of skills (no_skills) and objects have different mass. In this case where all robots have different sets of skills and objects have different mass - Focus on Task Allocation based on Robot Skills alone. 

# Analyze the skills required for each subtask and the skills each robot possesses. In this scenario, we have one main subtasks: 'Slice the Potato'.

# For the 'Slice the Potato' subtask, it can be performed by any robot with 'GoToObject', 'PickupObject', 'SliceObject' and 'PutObject' skills. However, no individual robot has all these skills. This is a skill gap that needs to be addressed. Form a team of robots The skills of the team must be 'GoToObject', 'PickupObject', 'SliceObject' and 'PutObject' skills. Team of Robots 1 and 3 have all the skills required where robot 1 has the 'SliceObject' skill and Robot 3 has the 'GoToObject', 'PickupObject', and 'PutObject' skills.

# robot team are required since SubTasks can't be performed with individual robots as explained above. The 'Slice the Potato' subtask is assigned to robot team 

#The template of allocation prompt

prompt = allocated_prompt #the above examples

prompt += decomposed_plan # result from precondition Identifier

prompt += f"\n# TASK ALLOCATION"

        prompt += f"\n# Scenario: There are {no_robot} robots available. The task should be performed using the minimum number of robots necessary. Robot should be assigned to subtasks that match its skills and mass capacity. Using your reasoning come up with a solution to satisfy all contraints."

        prompt += f"\n\nrobots = {available_robots[i]}"

        prompt += f"\n{objects_ai}"

        prompt += f"\n\n# IMPORTANT: The AI should ensure that the robots assigned to the tasks have all the necessary skills to perform the tasks. IMPORTANT: Determine whether the subtasks must be performed sequentially or in parallel, or a combination of both and allocate robots based on availablitiy. "

        prompt += f"\n# SOLUTION  \n"